January 31, 2022

January Recap Newsletter

Read newsletter as a PDF here.

Dear neighbor, 

We’re one month into 2022 and we’ve spent it fighting for the most important issues to our communities. 

Survey Question: Did you sign up to receive 4 free covid tests from covidtests.gov yet? 

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(Disclaimer: By selecting “Yes” or “No” and answering this survey you will automatically sign-up to our email opt-in list to receive further updates) 

Omicron quickly spread throughout the country and our communities this month, requiring more resources for all. I prioritized obtaining more PPE and testing kits in coordination with the entire New York Congressional delegation which helped lead to the federal government offering 4 free covid tests to every household in the nation. Alongside New York Senator Jamaal T. Bailey and Councilmember Kevin C. Riley, we were also able to deliver more kits to Co-Op City. 

(Visiting the Scarsdale food scrap program and taking an infrastructure tour with the US Army Corp of Engineers, New York State Economic Development Council and localities) 

In addition to fighting COVID, we’re also battling some of our coldest days. Everyone in our community should have the comfort of a warm home, regardless of their income. That is why Senator Ed Markey and I introduced the Heating and Cooling Relief Act to invest $40 billion into the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) to end energy poverty and help people pay their utility bills. No one should have to choose between making rent and keeping their gas or electricity on. Addressing energy poverty also requires us to address the impact climate has had on our neighborhoods — especially after Hurricane Ida. In an effort to mitigate flood risks, Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand and I secured $88 million for the Mamaroneck flood mitigation project. As part of our flood mitigation work, I also brought the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to Rye, Tuckahoe, and Bronxville for an infrastructure tour to outline next steps and get to work on making our communities resilient to extreme weather. When another major storm hits, we want to keep neighbors safe. 

During a town hall led by youth in our very own communities, we spoke about how the pandemic has impacted our youth’s education and mental health. Addressing our mental health crisis is one of my top priorities and it’s why I’m calling for a COVID-19 package that centers the mental health and holistic wellbeing of everyone in our communities. The youth also asked me about work in Washington D.C. and how it was impacting our district. I shared about my Microelectronics Workforce Development amendment,passing with H.R. 6291, the Micro Act, in the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. This amendment would grow and diversify the microelectronics workforce and create research centers at the Department of Energy. I also shared about my veterans mental health amendment passing with H.R. 1836 to get veterans proper mental health resources once they transition to civilian life. Later this week on February 3rd, I will lead a Congressional Progressive Caucus Special Order Hour on Youth Mental Health where I can further elevate the voices of youth in our community. 

Our young people, even in the face of a global pandemic and educational challenges, are accomplishing great things. After a highly selective and competitive process, I have given 21 of our outstanding youth a Congressional nomination to the U.S. military academies and ask you to join me in congratulating them. 

Every issue and resource we’ve advocated for this month has been an honor, including our collective fight to protect our sacred right to vote. This month I, alongside over 20 others, including some on a hunger strike for our democracy, were arrested outside the Capitol while standing up for voting rights. Every person in this country deserves to have their voice heard and to be able to do so without any barriers. I was happy to see that message being spoken about as I traveled throughout our district on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, too. As we enter the second month of this year, I look forward to continuing fighting for you every step of the way.

As always please do not hesitate to reach out to my office for any help with a federal agency. This month alone we have been assisting 255 requests from constituents and helped 189 constituents so far. Some of the top cases we received are city and state referrals, USCIS and SBA cases. Stay up-to-date by signing up for our newsletter and following us on social media as well by visiting bowman.house.gov. Also feel free to share your priorities for Congress in 2022 here! 

Peace and love, 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)